Riot police grab people from Minsk streets on eve of election

Drivers’ impromtu protest in Minsk. August 2020. Photo:

On Saturday evening, OMON riot police were hunting for people who participated in the impromtu solidarity action in Minsk.

At about 7 pm, lots of cars driving through the centre started honking; moreover, Minskers were playing Russian rock star Victor Tsoi’s song Peremen! (We Long For Change) that has become a symbol of protesting against the incumbent leader and his 26-year rule.

However, OMON troops began to detain people standing on the sidewalk in Independence Avenue who, for example, were waving their hands to express solidarity.

Masked riot policeman detaining peaceful protester. Photo: Uładz Hrydzin/RFERL

Video by My Country Belarus

Video by My Country Belarus

According to human rights centre Viasna, at least 13 persons have been detained.

August 9 is the official day of the presidential elections in Belarus. The authorities keep warning Belarusian citizens even against peaceful protesting; all kinds of civic activity are derailed.

Over a thousand people have been arrested during the current presidential campaign. Belarusian human rights activists have recognised 25 people as political prisoners.

Riot police brutally disperse ‘free election’ cycling race
