Round dancer from Homiel in jail after Christmas celebration

In the evening of January 9th , the 72-hour detention term of the teacher from Homiel ended. The police arrested her in the evening of January 6, when the inhabitant of Homiel was going to church on Christmas.

But the teacher never left the detention center, writes Svaboda.

“She was re-detained for a similar offense,” the officer on duty told the relatives.

On the evening of January 6, the 57-year-old teacher was detained for an unknown reason. “She might have participated in the New Year’s round dance in the woods. Police are looking for its participants in Homiel. We don’t see any other reasons,” said the teacher’s friends.

On December 25, Homiel residents arranged a New Year’s picnic in the woods. They cleaned the Christmas tree, made a fire, roasted bacon and danced a round dance. There were sheets on the Christmas tree with the inscriptions “Rat, go away!” and “New Year without Rat.” Some of the participants held white-red-white flags.

On January 5 the police detained one of the participants of the round dance, then another one, 59-year-old Ala. She was accused of participation in an unsanctioned rally. That’s how the police and the court regarded the round dance in the woods around the Christmas tree.
