Sad record in Brest: Elderly resident detained tenth time over past four months

Alena Hnauk. Photo:

On December 20, 63-year old Alena Hnauk was detained. This is the tenth time she has come into the hands of the Brest authorities.

On Sunday, she announced making a visit to a local detention centre, intending to give them a trash bin as a present. However, the policemen apparently failed to appreciate her gesture and took the woman into custody for 72 hours.

‘From Alena Hnauk’. Photo:

“I have already had a chance of being put in all the cells in the detention centre. My ‘favourite’ one is Nr 6, there are bedbugs. I have a new trash bin for them: that of the detention centre would burst to pieces if someone decided to wash it, it is too old. I do not get much pension money, but I decided to buy a bin and present it to the facility,” Alena told Belsat about her intention.

It is unknown on what grounds Alena Hnauk has been placed in detention this time. She has been behind bars since Sunday morning.

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