temporary detention facility

Minsk activist Volha Harbunova goes on hunger strike in Akrestsin detention centre The reputed Belarusian activist Volha Harbunova has been hungerstriking since her…

Human rights activist Stefanovich and ‘Nasha Niva’ staff withheld parcels Stefanovich was put in a cell with four more people.

Detainees kept in Belarusian temporary detention facilities tortured The detention conditions of detainees in TDFs have significantly worsened.

Minsker detained for paper sheet in white-red colours had heart attack in detention centre On January 31, Minsk resident Alyaksandr Maibarada was detained by officers…

Blogger Volha Takarchuk fined and left in jail On January 27th, Volha Takarchuk was tried under Article 23.34 for letting balloons…

Sad record in Brest: Elderly resident detained tenth time over past four months On December 20, 63-year old Alena Hnauk was detained. This is…

Man dies of COVID-19 after serving 10-day term for ‘participating in unauthorised event’ Syarhei Shchatsinka, a 57-year-old resident of the town of Asipovichy…

Over 100 political prisoners in Belarus The number of political prisoners in Belarus has reached 102: another nine persons…

‘Participating in unauthorised mass event’: Trials of journos detained during students’ protests On September 4, Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk sentenced six…

Innocent musical instrument craftsman tortured by police They beat him as much as they could, drove a pin under…

Blogger Tsikhanouski sentenced to another 15 days of arrest Blogger Tsikhanouski sentenced to another 15 days of arrest

Blogger Siarhey Piatrukhin in Brest temporary detention facility Now the blogger and the activist are in the temporary detention center…