Teenager in intensive care unit after police interrogation

The case of Minsk teenager Timur M., who was admitted to the intensive care unit for the second time after talking to the security forces, became very resonant in Belarus. Recently, a video appeared in which a teenager placed in intensive care says that the police are adequate.

On the night of August 12-13, Timur M. was admitted to the intensive care unit of the 3rd city children’s clinical hospital. He was brought there from the Partisan District Department of Internal Affairs of the Belarusian capital. According to Timur, he was beaten and tortured during his detention and at the police station. The boy’s condition was so severe that doctors decided to put him in medically induced coma.

On September 3, the young man was summoned to the Investigative Committee for questioning in a criminal case of participation in riots. The teenager was also charged with taking part in an armed attack on the driver of a MAZ truck, who came to evacuate a faulty trolleybus near the Pushkinskaya metro station in Minsk on August 10. The investigative committee published a video that was supposed to confirm the teenager’s guilt.

During interrogation, Timur M. became sick. He was taken to the intensive care unit again, but to the 2nd Clinical Hospital in Minsk. Timur’s relatives told Belsat that his mother came to the hospital, but she was not allowed to see her son and they did not accept the parcel she had brought him. On the evening of September 5, a video was published on the Zhioltyie Slivy telegram channel, in which Timur said in a hospital bed that he had been hospitalized with high blood pressure.

“Please do not spread fakes about my health. Yes, I’m really guarded, but the guys are not beasts, adequate,” said the teenager. This video was also reposted by the telegram channel of the official news agency BelTA.

Timur M. screenshot from the video, which was published by the telegram channel “Zhioltyie Slivy”

Belsat called the intensive care unit of the 2nd Clinical Hospital. The doctor on duty Tatsyana Talochka explained that information about the diagnosis of the teenager can only be provided to his relatives. The doctor noted that Timur’s mother was not allowed to see him, as the boy was under investigation and a meeting with him could take place as if he were in the pre-trial detention center. The doctor does not know who made the video.

“In a normal situation, it is simply impossible for someone in intensive care to make a video. This could not have bern done by the boy’s relatives,” said the doctor.

The teenager’s relatives refuse to comment. The Investigative Committee has not been available for comment.

On August 26, Uladzimir Karanik, a former health minister and now chairman of the Hrodna regional executive committee, said that the injured teenager was under the influence of psychotropic substances and therefore “got hit in the mug.” Medical documents, which were at the disposal of Timur’s relatives, do not confirm the presence of psychotropic substances in his body.

