‘There will be no turning back’: Lukashenka warns Belarus doctors against work in Poland

Belarusian doctors who will go to work in Poland might face issues when returning to Belarus, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said on Thursday.

“They invite them [doctors] to come to Poland to help people and the state to fight COVID-19. I would like to say that we don’t have any extra doctors. We need our doctors here to treat our people. However, we are not forcing anyone to stay here. This is our principle. But, one must remember if you go abroad, there will be no turning back. You will stay there and earn the money you’ve left your country for,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Lukashenka.

According to the politician, he has no intention to launch threats against people, but the government.must follow the instruction.

“Everyone should be put in their place, but we should road-block those who are on the look-out for easy money, whose eyes turned green due to [their greed] for foreign money,: Lukashenka said.

He failed to specify what he meant saying ‘there will be no turning back’. Presumably, he hinted at imposing a ban on their entering country or deforcing them of the right to work in the Belarusian health service.

Belarus authorities expand repressions against businesses

According to official data, Belarusian health professionals have registered 103,295 persons infected with the novel coronavirus ince late February; 998 COVID-19 patients have died.

As reported earlier, even on the back of the increasing infection rate, the Belarusian authorities did not introduce any quarantine measures in the spring of 2020. Alyaksandr Lukashenka claimed that imposing a nationwide lockdown would not improve the situation in Belarus. In his opinion, such steps might deal a crippling blow to the daily life of the nation. Although the Belarusian leader admitted that the recommendations by the WHO should be studied in detail, he stressed the country would run its own course.

In early September, UN experts said that mortality in Belarus had only increased since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The largest increase in deaths occurred at the peak of the epidemic.

New mortality record set in Belarus

