How Russian actor found way into Belarusian cinema

Egor Rybakov, a film and theatre actor from Moscow, appears in another episode of Welcome To Belarus show. The man, who has come to our country for the first time, is desperate to make it to Belarusian cinema.

His first destination the Museum of the History of Belarusian cinema in Minsk; Egor is so inspired by the films local guide Volha Tarasevich tells him about that he promises to view them one more time when he returns to Moscow.

Egor Rybakov and Volha Tarasevich, Museum of the History of Belarusian cinema (Minsk)

Then Egor and his friend, director Ivan Plechev, give a master class for students of the film school in the Belarusian capital. The young filmmakers say they would be happy if Egor starred in their would-be movie.

Rybakov’s master class in the film school in Minsk

A day later, Egor meets with Kamila Kwiatkowska, his old friend from Poland. She teaches Polish as a foreign language at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. They head for the legendary Belarusian places, Mir and Nyasvizh.

Egor Rybakov and Kamila Kwiatkowska in Navahradak

But Egor’s must-visit in this trip is a small village of Staryia Vasilishki (Hrodna region), where the famous Polish musician Czeslaw Niemen was born.

In the Czeslaw Niemen Museum, Staryia Vasilishki

Back in Minsk again! People recognize the Russian actor and take pictures with him. At Belarusfilm studio, he gets on an excursion around its pavilions and warehouses; the studio workers encourage him to auditions. Egor is short of time, but he cannot lose the chance to be present at the shooting of a Belarusian blockbuster… What happens to him there? Watch the episode and find out!

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