Napoleon would never believe it: French girls bathe in Berazina River

C’est la Bérézina’ say the French when they talk about some kind of disaster or catastrophe. The expression took hold after the defeat of Napoleon’s army on the Berazina River in 1812. Ingrid Ponsy and Ophelie Guillouet-Lamy who came to Belarus from France, it is a must to go to Napoleon’s places and swim in Berazina. What else did the guests manage to do in Belarus?

French girls had studied and worked in Minsk for more than six months. Despite the fact that they traveled a lot around Belarus, they have several unfulfilled plans and one last weekend in Belarus to have time to implement them.

Ingrid managed to work at the National Art Museum of Belarus, so she was keen on the idea to master the artistic technique. The artist Dzina Lyavonava helped her with it.

Ingrid Ponsy

The two friends will draw portraits of each other and then arrange an impromptu exhibition.

Ophelie Guillouet-Lamy

Ophelie suggested the next item of the plan. She has heard a lot about the giant trucks produced at BelAZ, and she dreams of sitting in the cabin of such a vehicle.

Ophelie nad BelAZ truck

To fulfill the third item of the girls’plan — have a homemade basket of vines — we asked for help from the local craftswoman Alena Huretskaya. Were the friends able to weave souvenirs to remember?

Alena Huretskaya teaches the girls to weave vine baskets

What other surprises did the girls come across in their last weekend in Belarus? Will they want to come back here? Watch the issue of “Welcome to Belarus” to find out (video above).

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