
Belarusian ruble rate stable, Prime Minister claims He says fluctuations are temporary.

EDB expects inflation to rise in Belarus An increase in the refinancing rate is also possible

Latushka says National Bank lying about inflation and forex reserves Some things are understated and some things are exaggerated.

IMF sharply worsens forecast for Belarusian economy Instead of growth there will be a fall

Economists sum up 2020 in Belarus Another devaluation and loss of trust

Lukashenka meets with officials to discuss economy He called for price regulation.

National Bank explains inflation acceleration in Belarus In March, the annual growth of consumer prices accelerated and amounted to…

World Bank predicts 4% drop in GDP of Belarus and sharp rise in inflation Inflation in Belarus will jump to 11.3% in 2020 from 4.7%…

Belarusian National Bank lowers refinancing rate On February 19, the National Bank of Belarus decided to lower the refinancing…