Lukashenka meets with officials to discuss economy

A meeting with Lukashenka on May 26th. Photo:

On May 26th, head of Belarus heard a report on the situation in the consumer market of the country, the administration of Alyaksandr Lukashenka reports.

Lukashenka notes that he had many times said that the rising prices should be a concern.

“We shouldn’t calmly watch this process. We should study the situation, intervene, analyze and, if necessary, correct it,” he said.

According to him, “the market does not regulate everything all the time”.

The head of state stressed that it is necessary to monitor the development of the situation in the consumer market and intervene in certain processes if necessary.

Uladzimir Kaltovich, Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, reported on the work to provide the consumer market and control prices. According to him, “we have neither deficit nor hype”.

The Minister stressed that “the situation with goods and prices in the domestic consumer market is manageable, predictable and stable”.
