Pavel Sevyarynets

Opposition politician Sevyarynets may be held behind bars until after election Pavel Sevyarynets will be freed no earlier than August 21, Dzmitry…

Another 15-day sentence: Pavel Sevyarynets left behind bars Pavel Sevyarynets, a co-chair of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, has been…

Amnesty International announces action to free Pavel Sevyarynets Human rights activists urge to send letters to the Prosecutor General of…

Minsk: Jailed politician cuts wrist in protest against torture A hearing of another administrative case against former political prisoner Pavel Sevyarynets…

Convicted activists complain of torture in detention center Hygienic products and warm clothes are taken away from them, and the…

Minsk: Plainclothed police detain former political prisoner, his associates On June 7, unknown individuals who looked like plainclothed policemen detained…

Opposition activist Sevyarynets calls for nationwide economic boycott Opposition activist Sevyarynets calls for nationwide economic boycott

Pandemic vs single presidential candidate initiative: Lukashenka rubbing hands The Belarusian opposition’s initiative is in its pivotal point: the current…

Primaries suspended. Seviarynets withdraws The campaign trip of the opposition activists in Belarus is canceled until April…

Six participants in Belarus opposition’ primaries on nominating single presidential candidate February, 16 was the closing date for submitting the documents…

People sentenced in bulk for pro-independence protests in Belarus About 80 trials were held in Belarus after Christmas. For three days,…

Politician Sevyarynets punished again for protesting against integration with Russia A Minsk court has punished co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy…