Tatsyana Sevyarynets

Raid on home of political prisoner Pavel Sevyarynets’ parents: Flags, books, umbrella seized On Thursday, the police raided the flat of Tatsyana and…

Court rejects complaints of Vitsebsk women detained during Nordic walking Women were detained for Nordic walking in the woods near Vitebsk

Mahiliou: Opposition politician, European Belarus activists, bloggers tried in camera On May 12, Mahiliou regional court started hearing the cases of the…

Women detained with walking poles sue police Now they also have to pay.

Nordic walking or ‘unauthorised event’? Vitsebsk police detain six elderly women in forest On Wednesday morning, the Vitsebsk police detained six pensioners, including…

Vitsebsk activist fined for ‘holding mass gathering’ on her own balcony A Vitsebsk court imposed a fine of 675 rubles on activist…