Women detained with walking poles sue police

Women detained while exercising in Nordic walking. Photo: @vicspring/TG

The story of the Vitsebsk women who were detained in the woods with Nordic walking poles in January did not end there. They filed a lawsuit against the police for their time spent in the TDF, reports Radio Racyja.

The women were detained in the woods near Vitsebsk on January 13 while exercising in Nordic walking. They were kept at the police station for eight hours without food and an opportunity to take medicine, despite the fact that the four of them were senior citizens. They spent another night in the TDF. The court found no evidence of wrongdoing.

Then the women filed complaints to the court of the Pershamaiski district against the “illegal actions of the police officers.”

“[We sued]them for our detention, conditions of detention, sending us to the TDF. We demanded to recognize it unlawful. Just to recognize it! We didn’t demand any moral or material compensation. Although Tamara Ilyina, for example, was hospitalized for 10 days,” said Tatsyana Sevyarynets, one of the detainees.

Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Dolhi, head of the public security police of Pershamaiski District Police Department, represented the law enforcers. He listened to the women’s claims silently and did not ask any questions. He briefly explained his own position: the law allows to detain suspects for 72 hours, so they did nothing wrong.

Judge Zhanna Vasilyeva agreed with the policeman and dismissed all six complaints. In addition, the women now have to pay the court 4 rubles 85 kopecks each.

