Employees of Novy Chas media outlet in police’s crosshairs

On Wednesday morning, Aksana Kolb, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Novy Chas, and its deputy editor Syarhei Pulsha were out of reach for long, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) reported.

Syarhei Pulsha and Aksana Kolb. Photos: BAJ

Later, the worst fears were confirmed: the police searched Syarhei Pulsha’s place. After that, the security officers drove Syarhei to the editorial office of Novy Chas. At the moment, the journalist is free. It is reported that ‘investigative actions concerning him are over’.

Editor-in-chief Aksana Kolb was taken to the Belarusian Investigative Committee. At about 3:47 pm (Minsk time), BAJ informed the colleagues that Kolb was released.

In the morning, there were reports of detentions in the Parus business centre in Minsk, where the Novy Chas editorial office is located.

As reported earlier, policemen made an unexpected visit to the flat of Novy Chas photojournalist Dzmitry Dzmitryeu today. The officers searched his place; as a result, the photographer was not detained, but all equipment was confiscated. According to the media outlet, a criminal case initiated over the threats to the deputy head of Savetski District Department of Internal Affairs was the ground for the search. A year ago, Dzmitry was interrogated by the KGB as part of the case.

Minsk: Police raid Novy Chas photographer’s place, seize equipment

