Belarus army facing combat readiness test


Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin ordered to conduct a comprehensive combat readiness test of Belarus’ Armed Forces. It has kicked off on January, 30.

“The main goal of the test is to assess the ability of the military command to control their subordinate military units and to evaluate the readiness of the military units to tackle the assigned tasks in a fast-changing environment,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes the MoD.

The troops are expected to cross water barriers and complete combat training missions day and night both in forested areas and populated places.

“During the test, the top brass’ focus will be drawn on the state of the military weapons and technical equipment as well the efficiency of the enabling systems. There are also plans to test the machinery’s capability to destroy objects at a maximum distance, including at night,” the minister stressed.

According to him, the list of supervised military units will be extended; moreover, additional tasks will be set to the military.

The course and results of the surprise test will be studied and taken on board in further training of the Belarusian servicemen.

US gen Ben Hodges: Not a time for Belarus to relax (ENG video)
