Kremlin comments on Lukashenka’s proposal to adjust gas prices

The gas price for Belarus should be discussed at the expert level, Russian President’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters on April 15, RIA Novosti writes.

On April 14, during the talks of the EAEC leaders in the format of a video conference, Alyaksandr Lukashenka urged to adapt the gas price to changes in the economic situation caused by the pandemic. “Obviously, with such a sharp change in economic conditions, the price should be more adaptive, while the mechanism of calculations — acceptable for consumers,” said Alyaksandr Lukashenka. In this regard, he appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to promptly consider this issue.

“This is an issue for the EAEC expert level, the issue is raised within the EAEC, it can be raised, it will be worked out,” said Peskov today, commenting on Lukashenka’s proposal.

Currently, Belarus buys Russian natural gas at $ 127 per thousand cubic meters. Since late 2018, Lukashenka has demanded from Russia a discount on natural gas at the level of Smolensk region, but the Kremlin said that Belarus couldn’t count on it without solving the issues of the union integration.
