No more Škoda imports in Belarus, even from Russia Including old ones

Another EAEC country asks Russia to lower gas price Earlier Putin refused Belarus and Armenia.

Putin rejects Belarusian and Armenian proposal on gas tariffs He stressed that in order to use the unified gas tariff formula,…

President of Moldova refuses to visit Belarus to avoid being quarantined Igor Dodon was supposed to visit Minsk next week.

Kremlin comments on Lukashenka’s proposal to adjust gas prices "This is a matter for discussion at the expert level."

Lukashenka urges Putin to revise gas price due to pandemic Lukashenka also urged the EAEC countries to stand together against the backdrop…

‘Perfect security’ amid pandemic. Belarus leader invites EAEU counterparts to Minsk Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has encouraged the leaders of the Eurasian…

Why-bother attitude and indifference: Lukashenka about EAEU internal policy The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) lacks the freedoms promised, President Alyaksandr…

Duty-free imports of electric cars under discussion Earlier this measure increased the import of electric cars in Belarus fourfold.