‘Perfect security’ amid pandemic. Belarus leader invites EAEU counterparts to Minsk

Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has encouraged the leaders of the Eurasian Ecnomic Union member states to personally take part in a summit in Minsk on May, 19.

The statement was made during the recent talks of the members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. On the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was held via video link.

I am looking forward to your coming to Minsk, I guarantee your perfect security. And I am sure that you will, as always, enjoy the pleasure of staying in the capital of our Belarus,” Lukashenka said.

According to RIA Novosti, when listening to the invitation, Armenian Prime Minister Nicol Pashinyan and Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov laughed, Kazakhstan’s Kassym-Jomart Tokayev nodded, and only Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘did not move a facial muscle’.

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To date, a total of 21,102 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Russia, news agency TASS reports. In the course of today’s video conference, Putin said that ‘extraordinary measures’ would be required to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus.

A day earlier, Alyaksandr Lukashenka who had hit international headlines due to his careless attitude to the COVID-19 threat heard out a report by Health Minister Uladzimir Karanik. According to the head of state, he wanted to know the details about ‘the coronavirus psychosis’.

In mid March, he shared with the newly appointed officials his own ways of fighting infections, including the novel coronavirus. He advised going to a dry sauna, claiming that the virus dies at 60 degrees; more frequent handwashing, regular diet, and… drinking some vodka are also on his list.

There have been 3,281 confirmed coronavirus cases in Belarus; 33 persons have died, the Health Ministry said on April, 14.

‘Impossible to remotely milk cows’. Lukashenka still against quarantine measures

