Lukashenka urges Putin to revise gas price due to pandemic

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has urged to adjust the gas price to the changes in the economic situation caused by the pandemic.

He said this during the talks of the members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, which were held by videoconference, reports the press service of the President.

“I would like to draw attention to the fact that we’ve entered the crisis with the unresolved basic issue for sustainable economic activity. This is energy, prices for resources and calculations for them. Of course, we did not expect this situation to happen. But nevertheless, it is a fact. Such inflexibility has a negative impact on the entire value-added chain. Therefore, it undermines the sustainability of the union,” said the head of state.

Negotiations were held in the format of a video conference. Photo –

He noted that until the parties have not entered into common energy markets in the EEC, it is necessary to agree on how to deal with this situation.

“First of all, it concerns prices and payments for natural gas. It is obvious that with such a sharp change in the economic situation, the price should be more adaptive, while the mechanism of calculations should be more adaptive for consumers,” said Alyaksandr Lukashenka. In this regard, he appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to quickly deal with this issue.

Lukashenka also urged the EAEC countries to stand together against the backdrop of the pandemic.

“Unilateral actions of the states have jeopardized trade relations, cooperation chains and labor migration. The lack of coordination of efforts exacerbates these negative factors. Therefore, selfish decisions taken without looking at the consequences for at least the closest partners will not be successful strategically. In today’s situation, we will be able to cope with the pandemic and its consequences only through cohesion and determination,” he said.
