Lukashenka calls for measures against certain media outlets

Фота: Ірына Арахоўская /

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has criticized the Foreign Ministry, Presidential Administration and Chaiworman of the Council of the Republic Natallia Kachanava for not punishing the non-state media enough, BelTA writes.

During a meeting with the government, Lukashenka said there is a need to pay more attention to the information field:

“Of course, I’m surprised by the recent work of the Presidential Administration, press secretary, and, I think, Natallia Ivanauva (Kachanava – could have taken a closer look at it”.

Lukashenka demanded that the responsible persons perform their duties, not to wait for some special instructions. “Look, we are the masters in this country. Carry out your duties. If you can’t do it — say you can’t do it. Others will do it,” he said.

“In our government, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, everyone is waiting for the president’s instruction. What kind of attitude to the country is it? BBC, Radio Liberty, Free Europe and so on, the streams … I’m not even talking about bias, they call for mass unrest. Why do you tolerate it? You accredited them here,” said Lukashenka.

He drew attention to the need to take appropriate measures in such cases, despite the pre-election period:

“You shouldn’t wait for any end of the election campaign. Get them out of here if they don’t observe our laws but call people to a Maidan”.

“I won’t repeat it, despite the fact that we have entered the difficult electoral period. This won’t do: there’s insult after insult. I wasn’t the only person who had a pretty good run up and down there. They’ve already attacked the innocent chairs of the district commissions. And they have families and children,” added Lukashenka.

Lukashenka also criticized the work of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“It will soon turn into a tabloid. You see, their leader, sitting in Moscow or in the Kremlin, made a statement and a biased presentation of information followed,” he said.

Lukashenka advised the journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda to go into the field and write about an unprecedented harvest.
