Lukashenka set to focus on missile production


On 22 May, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka inspected the OKB TSP research and manufacturing company in Machulishchy near Minsk.

According to him, wars will not be abolished, and people have to get ready for it during peaceful times.

“Our strategic task in the field of defense is to cause irreparable damage to our enemy [in the event of a military aggression from outside]. We should demonstrate that we are capable of doing it now, so that those who, God forbid, are contemplating of attacking us, will realise that we can respond adequately. The best response from the point of view of weaponry today is missiles, high-precision weapons,” the presidential press service quotes Lukashenka.


The head of state made mention of the process of modernising the country’s army, but stressed that Belarus had never intended to ‘go global and seize other states’.

“It does not make any sense for us to test intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear weapons delivery. After all, we cannot do it. We should focus on what we can do. Therefore, we are promoting missile production,” he stated.

In the course of the visit, the president received an unusual gift.

“Now Lukashenka has his own anti-missile system! But frankly speaking, it is a miniature AMS,” his press pool said on Telegram.

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