
Russian agenda 2023

Michał Kacewicz

A decade and a half on the air. ‘Belsat seemed to be a difficult task to pursuit.’ 15 years ago, Belsat seemed unrealistic project, today it's a much-needed…

You can’t get used to war

Antoni Styrczula

Belarus no longer determines its fate, historian claims Participation of the Belarusian military in the war is a red line

Ukraine bans 11 pro-Russian parties and blocks 1,500 online propaganda media

Rosatom admits helping seize Zaporizhzhia and Chernobyl NPPs Rosatom's participation in the seizure of Ukrainian nuclear power plants will entail…

EU leaders say ‘yes’ to Ukraine’s European integration The EU also promises political, financial, material, and humanitarian support

Letter to Belarusian friends about shame

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy

Why Ukraine fights alone and how West is helping it Overview of assistance the international community is capable of giving Ukraine.

Only Putin needs referendum in Belarus, expert says Anatol Lyabedzka shares his views with Belsat

Ukraine starts mobilization of reservists This is not a general mobilization

Germany freezes Nord Stream 2 This is a response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine

Tsikhanouskaya comments on Russia’s recognition of LNR and DNR Lukashenka is still silent

Zelensky addresses Ukrainians over latest events He put all the responsibility on Russia

US and UK impose sanctions for recognition of LNR and DNR The EU is considering similar steps